Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A New Home

While it's no news to most of you I'm a very irregular blogger. Always seems there's more interesting stuff going on in other people's lives than I spend most of my time reading blogs rather than posting on my own. Add to that the fact that we have now moved and are working on getting settled into our new lives in Minnesota, you can see that my excuses abound. As I have tried to keep up with family and friends with news on our move, home renovation, etc. I decided the easiest way to do that was with a blog. So here's the scoop...I've started a new blog Raising the Roof that will chronicle our family's journey through the renovation of our 1300 square foot cottage. I hope you'll stop by and visit. No doubt, I will need your help with all kinds of renovating decisions from light fixtures to flooring to toilet bowls. Let's try and keep in touch.

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